Hi, I am Mirela
I live in a spiritual community called Ananda Europe near Assisi/Italy where I also teach at the retreat center. Here are a few things about me:
- I am of mixed cultural origins – Croatian, Italian and German
- Have a PhD in ‘Strategic Thinking’ from the University of Southampton/UK
- Have worked for over 25 years as a Management Advisor, Coach, Trainer and Teacher
- in different types of organisations such as financial services, telecom, energy companies, manufacturing, governmental institutions, food industry, universities, the arts & charities – see below for a more detailed description
- Was an Associate Professor at the University in Southampton/UK & Visiting Professor at the University in Milan/Italy.
- Have worked in different countries and with different nationalities such as USA, Germany, UK, India, Arab Countries, South America, China, Japan
- Love working with complex challenges & organisational situations to come up with new solutions, new ways of working and new ways of being
- Enjoy working with different nationalities and have the experience of applying Yogic Business Success Techniques in different cultural environment and settings
- Devoted to my practice of Kriya Yoga
- Lovingly committed to live and share in a practical way the Yogic Wisdom of the Self Realised Kriya Yoga Masters: Lahiri Mahasaya, Babaji, Jesus Christ, Swami Sri Yukteswar & Paramhansa Yogananda.

Examples of My Working Experiences:
Banking/Financial Institutions:
- KFW (D=Germany): Strategic and organizational restructuring
- GE Capital (USA, EU): Six Sigma training in post Mergers & Acquisition
Energy Sector:
- Bayerngas (D): Development of new businesses and strategic plans
- RWE (D) & Stadtwerke (D) : Strategic and financial management training
- Wismut (D/Russ): Organisational and financial reorganisation
- Deutsche Telecom (D): Preparation for privatisation & flotation on stock market
- Omnitel (IT=Italy): Setting up a new mobile business
- Ericsson (IT): Facilitating strategic review
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry:
- Degussa-Huels (D): Strategic and financial training
- Sarna (CH=Switzerland) & Glaxo (UK): Market study for new production facilities
- Automotive Supplier (D, India): Strategic review and reorganisation
- ABB (D/CH): New service development, TBM/TQM, marketing review
- Elliot (UK): Market analyses
- Medium-sized manufacturing firms (USA, Spain): Setting up new production facilities and /or sales offices
- Lucky Goldstar (South Korea): Setting up new car manufacturing business
Governmental Bodies:
- EU: Strategic collaborations between small-medium sized organisations
- EBRD & UN: Privatisations and restructuring in Rumania, Hungary,
Czech Republic & Moldova
Higher Education, Public Sector, Charities & Arts:
- Universities (UK): Strategic renewal & strategic planning
- Arts – Galleries, Museums (D, IT): Strategic and operational reorganisation
- Health Sector – NHS (UK): Reorganisation into Strategic Business Units
- Charities, Social Services & Ashrams (UK, India): Review of strategic competence
The Noble New
Sing songs that none have sung,
Think thoughts that ne’er in brain have rung,
Walk in paths that none have trod,
Weep tears as none have shed for God,
Give peace to all to whom none other gave,
Claim him your own who’s everywhere disclaimed.
Love all with love that none have felt, and brave
The Battle of life with strength unchained.”